Three Poems — Patricia George
I reached out to touch her arm as
A gesture showing understanding
For her time of great stress
My hand paused in mid motion
Never touching her arm
There was no recoil
She stood perfectly still but
Somehow communicated
To me not to cross into her space
Step-pause down the aisle
the bride wore scandalous red
The groom allergic to her
Dandelion bouquet stood sneezing
Clover and crimson bougainvillea
Carpeted the aisle-music to match
All was silent and motionless
Save the three with their cell phones
Texting vows and prayers
Surfing the swells
Looking for the curl
That will blaze the path to
The cold frothy shore
Sand blasting and
Tortures of the pounding sea
Sculpt driftwood of
Beauty and uniqueness
Revealing new life
Words heal the chill
Stoke the fire
Stand fearless in the orange glow
Be willing to face an eight-foot
Wall of the unknown
Patricia has worked as a public school teacher and a tutor in both California and Colorado. She works as a piano accompanist for the local high school choirs. She writes in her spare time and paints and designs greeting cards in the summer when school is out. She appreciates colorful people and eats anything with nuts. Born in Kansas and transplanted to California, she sometimes misses the beauty and quiet of a snowy day. She writes poetry because it answers her questions. She has a B.A. degree from Fresno State University in California and has postgraduate credits from San Diego State University and Colorado State University. Publishing credits: The Muse, Dark Matter, Anderbo, Thoughtsmith, Red Booth Review, Fortunates, Inner Art Journal, The Voices Project, The Scapegoat Review, Penduline Press and others. Web site: