Welcome to the 16th issue of Empty Sink Publishing!
First, we’re very pleased to introduce poet and writer Kurt Newton as the guest poetry editor for the next two issues. Kurt chose four of the poets featured in April, and all of the poetry that will be in Issue 17. He did an excellent job, and we think you’ll agree he’s found some incredible poetry to share. Thank you Kurt!
Second, Suanne Schafer continues to pick intriguing stories in her role as Fiction Editor. In this installment, she brings you six tales ranging from the surreal to the sentimental, the unhinged to the understated. Of special note is this issue’s Editor’s Choice, “Falling Leaves,” by Cheri Brackett. This is one of the most heartbreakingly beautiful stories we’ve ever published, and we are very excited to feature it in this volume.
In this month’s visual section, we’ve got some fantastic pieces to energize your eyeballs. Speaking of which, we’re pleased to announce that we are now accepting video submissions for review. Spread the word: be it experimental, a short narrative film, or something in between, we’re ready to see video submissions that stretch the mind and defy convention.
But enough of us. Sit back and enjoy our latest offering of Empty Sink Publishing. Make sure to come back and see us this summer, when we’ll have even more announcements to unfurl with Issue 17!
—E. Branden Hart, Executive Editor, 4/24/2016

Photography by William Crawford
Pam Plumb — “A True History (Reality Version 1100101)”
Lewis Carter — “Departures”
L.J. Kelley — “Diana”
Orna Glick — “Dy(e)ing Purple”
Cheri Brackett — “Falling Leaves” (Editor’s Choice)
Jerry McGahan — “Patroit”
Matt Kramer — “Rail Talk”
Lakshmi Mitra — “Depression as Winterkill”
Fred Rosenblum — Two Poems
Amber Sydney-Woollett — “I Wonder”
John Grey — Two poems
Sandra Kolankiewicz — Three Poems
Allen Forrest — Three Images
Fabrice Poussin — Five Images
William Crawford — Seven Images
David Klugman — Chasm of Abuse
Sausalito Poems 1959-1961 by L.G. Corey and The Nineteen Steps between Us by Darren Demaree, reviewed by Kurt Newton
Red Demolition by Juliet Cook, reviewed by A.J. Huffman
December Boys by Joe Clifford, reviewed by Suanne Schafer
The Grace of the Gingko by Michael Hardesty, reviewed by Suanne Schafer
The Memory of Us by Camille di Maio, reviewed by Suanne Schafer
Quarterly Comics Corner — Spring 2016, by E. Branden Hart
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